Real Hourly Wage Calculator

So your boss told you that you were getting paid $10 an hour? Don't believe it! This calculator will show you how much you're REALLY profiting (after-tax, after work-related-expense take-home) from each hour you devote to working--both paid and unpaid. But wait! Before you approach your boss with this startling computation, make sure you see both sides. You know, your boss's "side" and the "outside!".

Take Home Pay
Enter your take-home pay per pay period:
Number of pay periods per year:

Time Allocated to Work
Enter number of workdays per pay period:
Enter number of paid workhours per workday:
Enter minutes of unpaid breaks per workday:
Enter minutes of work-related commute time per workday:
Enter minutes spent getting ready for work per workday:

Unreimbursed, Work-Related Expenses
Number of work-related miles you drive your own car per workday:
Other work-related transportation costs per workday:
Your share of daycare expenses per pay period:
Dining out expense per workday:
Unreimburse Work-related Clothing Expenses per month:


Total Below

Monthly Take-Home:

Monthly Work-Related Expenses:

Monthly Net-Profit:

Monthly Work-Related Hours:

Real Hourly Wage:

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